Windowing- the PRODIGY service now appears in a sizable, moveable window. If you prefer to run the service full-screen, click on the grow box in the upper right hand corner of the Prodigy window.
Pull Down Menus- We've replaced the command bar with a standard Macintosh menu bar. You can also access Prodigy commands with accelerator keys (like COMMAND+J for Jump) or standard function keys (like F2) as in version 8.
Configurable Toolbar- A new built-in toolbar gives you quick access to standard Prodigy commands. Select Toolbar Setup in the Goodies menu to add or remove commands according to your personal preferences.
Mouse - Prodigy is now even easier to use with a mouse and closer in behavior to standard Macintosh expectations. Actions require only a single click, as opposed to two in version 8. Pressing down on the mouse button selects a Prodigy field and releasing the button commits the action. If you select and move away from the field before releasing, no action is committed. The mouse pointer also changes shape as an easy indication of the type of field you're over. The pointer changes to a pointing finger when over a Prodigy action field, and the Macintosh standard "I-beam" when over a Prodigy input field. An arrow means you're not over any field. Also consistent with Macintosh standards, the input field cursor changes shape from a block when in overstrike mode to a line when in insert mode. As in version 8, overstrike mode remains the default.
Powerful Help- Select the Help menu for further in-depth information about this version and how to get the most out of the PRODIGY service. Help adopts standard Windows Help facilities to provide hypertext links and powerful search capabilities.
Images - The Prodigy software for Macintosh can display full color photo-like images. The quality and number of colors in the image you see depends on the capabilities of your video card and current Macintosh display setting. In general, the more colors your system is set to display, the better our images will look. To further improve the performance of images, they can be received and processed in the background while you're reading. Photos are also available in selected HEADLINE NEWS and PEOPLE NEWS stories. Allow yourself a normal amount of time to read the story before selecting the PHOTO button. The piece of the image already processed in the background should display much faster. How big this piece is depends on how fast you read and the speed of your modem.
Copy - You can copy the text of any screen, or in some cases (like Headline News) entire stories to the clipboard. Sometimes the format or the entire contents of a screen may not be exactly what you want. Our copy function opens a utility window that allows for custom editing or reformatting with standard Macintosh functionality. The results can be saved to the clipboard using COPY, a file using SAVE AS, or the printer.
Paste Text - You can paste text from the Clipboard into any Prodigy input field. In addition, you can paste multiple pages of text into messages or bulletins.
Copy Graphics - You can copy the graphics of any screen to the clipboard, printer, or a file. Select Snapshot in the Edit menu to use this feature.
Multitasking - You can now run the PRODIGY service and other Macintosh applications at the same time. Combined with the Snapshot and Copy features, information can be shared between Prodigy and other applications. Simply click outside the PRODIGY window to put your PRODIGY session in the background. Our new inactivity timer alerts you with an audible reminder and warning message when you've been idle too long and your session is about to end.
Type (and click) ahead - Experienced users will appreciate the ability to input text or mouse click even while the hourglass is displayed . Select Type Ahead in the Goodies menu to enable this feature.
New Mail Icon - An envelope icon will appear on the right hand side of the toolbar when you have new mail. The envelope will remain visible throughout your session until you've looked at the mail.
Macros - You can now record keystrokes and mouse clicks to help make repetitive or time consuming tasks more efficient. To begin, select Record Macro from the Goodies menu. You'll be prompted for a file name, which appears on the title bar as a reminder while you're recording. When finished, select Stop Recording. Macros can be played back in one of two ways. Selecting Play Macro from the Goodies menu allows you to choose from any macro previously recorded. In addition, up to 14 macros of your choice can be added to the Toolbar through Toolbar Setup. For more advanced users, macros can be edited and further customized with powerful commands. Select Edit Macro from the Goodies menu or use any standard text editor. For a description of the extended commands and our macro facility in general, select Help Hub in our Help menu.
Scratch Pad - A basic utility editor that features standard Macintosh text capabilities. The Scratch Pad can be used to prepare messages and bulletins, edit macros, or edit and reformat previously saved information. You can get information into the Scratch Pad in any of three ways - from the clipboard by using PASTE, from a file by using IMPORT, or by simply typing. Information in the Scratch Pad can be saved to the clipboard by using COPY, a file by using SAVE AS, or the printer. To save the contents of the Scratch Pad for continued use during the session, select CLOSE. If you select CLEAR or close the window by double clicking in the upper left hand corner, the contents of the Scratch Pad will be erased.
Switch out or cancel connect - You can now switch to another Macintosh application while your modem is dialing or connecting to the service. You can also cancel, for cases like a busy signal or wrong number.
Sounds - Look who's talking! Our Macintosh version now supports standard sound files. For starters you can attach sounds to four Prodigy events - Logon, Logoff, New Mail, and inactivity notification. We've supplied sample sounds for these events, but they can optionally be customized with selections of your own choosing. Select Sounds from the Goodies menu to activate and set-up this feature.